Yup. My topic today is the potato famine. My friends and I just did an assignment on the subject, so I'm going to tell you about the epic fun that we had creating our project.
We decided to make a movie. I didn't think that we'd get it done in time since I'm never available to do anything. Silly dance schedule. But I decided to clear off a day or two in the hopes that we could get it all done then. We went over to my friend KT's place (I'm not going to supply names, sorry) to shoot the film. Heaps of success there. We used the sheep shed for our 'house' since we were poor Irish people. SO MUCH FUNN!!!
When we'd finished filming, we managed to get all the clips onto my computer. I also learnt how to use GarageBand to do the voiceovers and iMovie to put the clips together. Em taught me how to do that.
We put it all together with the longest bibliography known to man (we had over 60 photos) and somehow managed to get the clips into iDVD. We made a title screen (go sunflower splash screen) and it looks awesome!
Anyway. When I get home, I put my computer on charge and open up the pictures that we took to delete them to preserve memory. But I managed to not just delete the photos... no, I deleted everything. The iMovie, the iDVD, the Word processor and all the editing. Plus Adobe Photoshop Elements and everything.
I freaked out because Word wouldn't open and I needed to finish the bibliography, so I took it over to my godfathers house. He managed to muck up the computer even more and send me into a full scale panic attack.
After about an hour we managed to get everything back in working order and I'm just getting everything back now. And of course backing up...
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