Saturday, April 30, 2011

First Post... Cool


Well I'm not completely sure at what to write in a first post, so I'll start by introducing myself.

Hi, I'm Sian. I live in Canberra, Australia but soon I'll be moving to Sydney to be a full time ballerina. I study at Trinity Christian School and I'm in year 9. It's pretty fun. 

My only hobby (well not even a hobby, it's a frigging obsession) is dance. I'm a vocational ballerina as well as an accomplished contemporary artist. I've been dancing since I was 3. What three year old girl doesn't want to be a ballerina right? Well I was just one of the few that kept going. I love it!!! I'm quite quickly turning ballet into a career. As I earlier mentioned, I'm moving to Sydney in July to study full time ballet, and by full time I mean 9-4 every day except Sunday, at Tanya Pearsons Classical Coaching Academy! I have to leave all my family and friends behind in Canberra but it's worth it. 

The last thing I'm going to say about myself is that I have Cystic Fibrosis. I think it's necessary to mention this as I may have some posts about medical treatments and such. I just want everyone to understand what CF is. Cystic Fibrosis is a terminal genetic disease that weakens your respiratory, digestive and immune system. Basically, I have really bad lung infections, can't digest fat and if I get a cold, I go into hospital. It's pretty bad. But it's all good as long as I take my meds, but even they can't stop the infections sometimes!

Anyway I hope that this covers all the important stuff. Goodnight and stay tuned for more awesome stuff! xx

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